Bake Sale !!!

If you happen to be in the Woodstock, Virginia area tomorrow Friday 8/24, stop by the Consulate Care assisted living facility for their bake sale.  It’s a Friday, so you’ll probably be needing a pick-me-up to get you to the weekend.  The feeding frenzy starts after breakfast and continues until everything’s eaten! All proceeds go to help one of the residents.  Here are pictures of my three personal favorites that I made to help the cause.

Red Velvet Cheesecake Cake

A Red Velvet Cheesecake Cake….Two 9″ cakes sandwiching a one-half cheesecake, cream cheese icing, topped with white chocolate shavings


A Raspberry-Cream Cheesecake (yes silly, from scratch)

Andes cookie

Andes Cookies (that’s what I call ’em)…a mint chocolate, chocolate chip cookie.

Hope to see you there!!!

One thought on “Bake Sale !!!”

  1. Your pictures had my stomach growling. They look so yummy. I plan on being there early so I can buy something while there is still a good choice.


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