Toys in the Basement

Back when I was a boy, before there was a Wal-Mart or Amazon, our family went Christmas shopping the old-fashioned way.  Once every year, the basement of the local hardware store transformed into a magical toy chest where me and my sisters would Oh and Ah over the toys that now graced the metal shelves of the Hugh Saum’s Store.

Continue reading Toys in the Basement

Bake Sale !!!

If you happen to be in the Woodstock, Virginia area tomorrow Friday 8/24, stop by the Consulate Care assisted living facility for their bake sale.  It’s a Friday, so you’ll probably be needing a pick-me-up to get you to the weekend.  The feeding frenzy starts after breakfast and continues until everything’s eaten! All proceeds go to help one of the residents.  Here are pictures of my three personal favorites that I made to help the cause. Continue reading Bake Sale !!!

An Angel at the Drive-Thru Window

My Dad spent 10 days at a Regional Hospital for back surgery, 35 days at an assisted living facility for rehabilitation, then returned home for 4 days.  On day 5 at home, he fell on the concrete surface of our car port and broke his hip. Continue reading An Angel at the Drive-Thru Window

Beautiful, in German (schön)

Ten days ago, I posted a story called ‘Beautiful’.  It was meant as an example of the positive feelings of self-worth felt by one person after another person’s kind words and actions.  Two days after sharing , I experienced an amendment to the story. Continue reading Beautiful, in German (schön)

Most are 99.9% almost true… in a way.